Understanding the Need for Integrating Content and Intent Marketing:
SEMPO’s State of Search Research Report issued earlier this year points to the continuing trend of digital marketing integration and the challenges marketers face in realizing multi-channel opportunities. It’s not just a matter of finding the right tactical mix but also coordinating brand messaging so it resonates and aggregates value. Most marketing (especially in the form of advertising)assumes its purpose is persuasion, and therefore assumes it has to attract a high level of attention to deliver its persuasive message. The best marketing/advertising actually works through emotional processing, not persuasion, and emotional content is processed most efficiently at low levels of attention, not high. So, to fully leverage multi-channel campaigns, marketers need to understand intent and “Stop Selling, Start Helping.”
Marc Engelsman, SEMPO Board of Directors/VP of Research
Mike Grehan, Chairman of SEMPO & Managing Director Acronym