NameSummit 2017 presents Fownders startup coaches, Joe Pulaski, Toby Dattolo, and Anthony Delgado, at the New York City digital branding conference
Joe Pulaski, Toby Dattolo, and Anthony Delgado from FOWNDERS will on hand during NameSummit 2017 on Aug. 7-8 at the Hilton Midtown to give business development, personal growth and influencer development advice to anyone stopping by their booth. Anyone attending this year’s digital branding conference can learn more about building personal and professional skills from these three experts and innovators.
Joe Pulaski is the chief innovation officer at Fownders. His many duties include curriculum and software development, product lead and oversight of end to end processes on behalf of the executive team. His background as an entrepreneur in consumer sales and marketing gives him a unique perspective as he works to create and deploy systems resulting in measurable growth.
Also on hand at the event will be the entrepreneur and startup adviser Toby Dattolo. He is also a senior vice president at Fownders focusing on organizational growth, business development and the creation of sales and strategic partnerships. Tony brings his passion for the startup culture and entrepreneurship to NameSummit 2017 to share knowledge and exchange ideas with attendees.
The third member of the team of advisers from Fownders will be Tony Delgado who is a full stack software developer at the organization. He has worked for companies in the sports, media, healthcare and entertainment industries. He put his passion for digital strategy and innovation to work helping small start-ups and large organizations solve real-world problems through digital solutions.
NameSummit 2017 will be at the Hilton Midtown on Aug. 7-8. The digital branding conference has experts in digital advertising and marketing coming together to exchange ideas and offer networking opportunities.
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